- Fees are payable within 14 days of invoice date and all fees MUST be paid by the due date, or discounts will be lost. Family discounts only apply to accounts paid by the due date.
- A $50 administration fee is added to all accounts. Please deduct this $50 if fees are paid on or before the due date.
- Collection Fees are payable on all outstanding invoices –i.e. 10% of total outstanding amount
- Two weeks’ notice to the office, by email is required for termination of tuition or full term payment will be required, (plus an administration fee may apply).
- Moves Dance Studio reserves the right to change or cancel the timetable and price structure at any point in time.
- There are no classes on Public Holidays. Make-up classes are available to compensate for these days, please check with the office for available make-up lessons – (classes are held on pupil free days).
- All care according to the “Code of Ethics of Dance Teachers” will be taken by the school, however, the school accepts no responsibility for injury or loss to person or property, howsoever caused and without limiting the generality of the foregoing damage or injury resulting from or caused by any negligence of the Principal, instructors or other employees of the said “Moves Dance Studio”.
- Moves Dance Studio adopt & enforce a NO NUT POLICY at any studio or theatre at any time.
- All children are the responsibility of the school for the duration of the class only. Before and after class is the responsibility of the parent/carer.
- Students involved in multiple classes over a morning or afternoon session may only wait in the designated areas between classes, however these areas are NOT supervised by Move Dance Studio teachers or staff so it is at the discretion of the parent/carer if you leave your child at the studio unsupervised. Any student wishing to leave during a class must first provide the teacher with a written note signed by a parent / carer.
- If a student decides not to continue a class part way through the class, then they must remain in the dance studio with the teacher until the class is finished. Under no circumstances are students permitted to leave the dance studio while a class is underway unless prior arrangements have been made as per point 10.
- All children must be collected from the studio. Under no circumstances are the children to wait on the street or in the car park.
- No correspondence will be entered into for any Moves Dance Studio examination / eisteddfod results.
- Students will be chosen to enter ballet exams, competitions and eisteddfods, at the sole discretion of the Moves Dance Studio Teachers. Entrance fees, extra classes where required and costume fees will be charged over and above normal fees.
- Any and all grievances are to be directed to the Principal via email. Moves Dance Studio is committed to ensure that your personal information entrusted to us is treated with the appropriate degree of privacy.
- Physical contact through technical placement correction is required in the study of dance; I/we realise, acknowledge and agree this is necessary to aid in the teaching of dance.
- To help maintain a controlled and positive teaching environment, classes during the term are closed to all visitors, unless you are notified otherwise.
- Liability Disclaimer – Moves Dance Studio and the instructors are not liable for personal injuries or loss of, or damage to personal property for any and all registrants. By registering, all participants confirm that they are aware of and understand the nature of the event, as well as safety and other rules. Each student may decline to participate in any activity. Please inform instructor of any physical limitation you may have. If you have any doubt as to your physical abilities, please consult with your physician before participating.
- Moves Dance Studio cannot dispense paracetamol and other medication.
- Variation of Terms and Conditions: These terms and conditions can be varied at the discretion of Moves Dance Studio at any time.